How to create Pardus live USB on Linux?

Good morning.

I don’ have computer with disc drive…Windows…Mac.
Just computer with Linux.

How I create Pardus live USB on Linux Ubuntu :
_No guarantees with USB Creator and Gnome-disks.
_Unetbootin work just for live.
_MultiSystem don’t accept the ISO.
_Pardus image writer (PIW) don’t exist on this platform.

My solution :
_I need two USB flash drive of different brands (to recognize them).
_I launch a Pardus live USB, and during its session :
Download ISO and create with PIW a Pardus Live USB. :sunglasses:

sudo dd if=/home/$USER/Download/Pardus-19.xxxxxx.iso of=/dev/sdc

1 Beğeni

Clever way to solve it if you have 2 usb discs :smiley:

What if you dont have 2 usb discs?

To create a live usb on an other installed Linux system just plug in your usb stick and give lsblk
command on terminal. Then check what is your usb’s way sda or sdb or sdc.


As you see my usb has mounted on sda way. Lets run dd command in the folder where iso file located in. For example if your Pardus iso file is in the downloads folder open the terminal in this folder and use dd command.

sudo dd if=iso_file_name.iso of=/dev/sda status="progress"

I hope this will help you. Enjoy with Pardus.

1 Beğeni

You can make a Md5 control for the iso file. Download md5sums file from here. Then use this command in downloads folder to verify;

md5sum Pardus-19.2-XFCE-amd64.iso

Btw what exactly was the problem? About usb or burning the iso file to usb?

New version of Pardus Image Writer is coming soon. (for only Pardus GNU/Linux.)

2 Beğeni

To sum up my thinking…
My obsession is to have a Live_USB without errors from start to finish.
And my expectations are…

Have the choice to download Pardus 19.2 GNOME ISO via BitTorrent.
Which guarantees error-free ISO (as on Ubuntu).

Have a choice on the boot/grub of Pardus live_USB to check this one if it is error free (as on Ubuntu) or auto-check (as on Ubuntu 20.04).

3/ facultatif
Have an option in PIW to check the Live_USB created if it is error free.

5 Beğeni

Agree with you. I hope that Pardus developers will evaluate this.

1 Beğeni

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