Pardus 17.5 is released!

The most up to date version of the operating system Pardus 17.5 is released. This is the final minor release of the Pardus 17 release cycle. It includes a lot of new features and some improvements. You can reach the download images below.

:dvd: Pardus 17.5-XFCE ISO Installation Image

:dvd: Pardus 17.5-DDE ISO Installation Image

:cd: Pardus 17.5 Server ISO Installation Image

:orange_book: Pardus 17.5 Installation Manual (Turkish)

:bookmark_tabs: Pardus 17.5 Release Notes (Turkish)

:calendar: Pardus Release Management Calendar (Turkish)

Please Note: You can use the following commands in a terminal to upgrade your existing Pardus 17, 17.1, 17.2, 17.3 and 17.4 installations. You do not need to download the image files manually.

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get dist-upgrade
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