Pardus 19.2 is released!

The most up to date version of the operating system Pardus 19.2 is released. It includes a lot of new features and some improvements. You can reach the download images below.

Please Note: You can use the following commands in a terminal to upgrade your existing Pardus 19.0 and 19.1 installations. You do not need to download the image files manually.

sudo apt update && sudo apt full-upgrade -yq

:dvd: Pardus 19.2-XFCE ISO Installation Image

:dvd: Pardus 19.2 GNOME ISO Installation Image

:cd: Pardus 19.2 Server ISO Installation Image

:orange_book: Pardus 19.2 Installation Manual (Turkish)

:bookmark_tabs: Pardus 19.2 Release Notes (Turkish)

:calendar: Pardus Release Management Calendar (Turkish)

:arrow_up: Pardus 17 to 19 upgrade manual (Turkish)

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