I’ve installed Munadi prayer time on Pardus 19.3 using Snap and it works fine.
However the time is not very accurate. I’ve attached two screenshot one from Munadi and the other from a software that uses the correct Diyanet method with accurate time.
I hope someone can work with upstream to fix this issue. Munadi uses adhan-js library for calculations
Source code for Munadi is available here:
I think the code related to the calculation method is:
// Dianet
Turkey: function() {
let params = new CalculationParameters("Turkey", 18, 17);
params.methodAdjustments = { sunrise: -7, dhuhr: 5, asr: 4, maghrib: 7 };
return params;
from: adhan-js/CalculationMethod.js at master · batoulapps/adhan-js · GitHub
Hopefully we can use this application with accurate time on Pardus.
Thank you